Jonny Huntington

Jonny Huntington is an elite para-athlete, skier and mountaineer, and a former British Army Officer and ultra-distance runner.

Jonny had a stroke and a brain bleed in 2014 that left him paralysed from the neck down on his left side. Following the stroke, Jonny had depression and considered suicide.

Following discharge from the Army and rehabilitation where he learned to walk again, Jonny returned to the world of elite sport as a disabled athlete, competing for GB in Cross Country Skiing.

Jonny is also a sport scientist with interests in psychology, physiology and nutrition and a performance coach to both athletes and non-athletes alike, as well as being sought after as a speaker and mentor for his expertise in leadership and teamwork.

As a speaker Jonny inspires others to think beyond the conventional, and not let their circumstances limit their ambition. He is a powerful advocate for getting out of a comfort zone and encourages his audiences to have ambitious goals, helping them ponder the question: “Wouldn’t you rather go through life dreaming big and missing occasionally than just never trying?”

Jonny strongly believes in putting self-limiting beliefs and negative mindsets to the test, as only then can you truly know what you are capable of.

Contact Great British Speakers today to book inspirational elite para-athlete, former British Army Officer and ultra-distance runner Jonny Huntington for your next event.

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