Chris Hines MBE Hon.D.Sc

Chris Hines MBE has spent over 30 years campaigning for the environment and inspiring positive change.

He was the co-founder and director of Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) from 1990 to 2000. Regarded as “some of the Government’s most sophisticated environmental critics” by the BBC and “Britain’s coolest pressure group” by The Independent, SAS helped deliver massive environmental improvements. He then became the sustainability director for the Eden Project for five years, which involved him conceiving and delivering ‘Waste Neutral’, an early version of the circular economy.

He is now the owner of A Grain of Sand, a company dedicated to saving the environment. Shortlisted for the 1999 Green Politics Award and having provided evidence to Commons and Lords Committees, Chris now booked as a highly-popular sustainability and environment speaker.

Contact Great British Speakers today to book environmentalist Chris Hines MBE for your next event.

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Truly inspiring and thought-provoking day, with lots of really relevant information to take away. – Wigan Council (booked via Great British Speakers)

On the day, Chris did a fantastic job of building on previous presentations and sharing his experiences and inspiring our delegates.
Co-Op, Risk & HSE Conference 

Thank you once again for taking the time out and contributing to make the Project Integra Conference such a success. The feedback from delegates and participants on the day was very positive.
Project Integra Annual Conference, Recycle for Hampshire

Chris touches everyone that meets him, whether he is speaking at The Hub award, or a casual encounter, once met never forgotten – passionate, enthusiastic and driven, but great fun too! Joy to work with Chris.
Claire, CSR Consultant

Chris is unique. His enthusiasm, practical application and idealism create an unstoppable combination that inspired Eden from its early days to follow a course towards sustainability that was rational, realistic and, ultimately inspirational. The man is, quite frankly, a national treasure.
Tim Smith, CEO, The Eden Project

We had such a great session with Chris on Thursday. He spoke so passionately and eloquently. It was fun, engaging and inspiring. Please pass on our sincere thanks to him! Highly recommend for anyone who wants some inspiration and motivation to change the world.
Olivia, Stuart Distribution 

His media savvy was notorious and SAS was soon almost as widely known as Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth. But beyond its famous stunts with wetsuits and gas masks, SAS became one of the most effective environmental campaign groups in the UK thanks to Hines’ total command of his brief, his dedication to common sense and decency. Thank to Hines’ surf-based vision, a cleaner, greener future actually looks possible.
Surfers Path on the Green Wave Award

Your presentation was brilliant! Your score on the evaluation was “excellent” so thank you so much. Thank you for a very inspiring day which has prepared me to take a deep breath and go back for more.
NHS, Integrated Service Improvement Programme

During his time at SAS, Chris Hines was a tenacious campaigner. Importantly he was always looking for cost effective solutions and helped publicise not only the need for them but also to support water companies when they implemented these technologies.
Pamela Taylor, Chief Executive, Water UK.

Chris Hines is a born storyteller and his own story is one worth hearing. Entertaining, intriguing, motivating and inspiring. He always leaves behind a room full of energy and excitement.
Nelisha Wickremasinghe, Senior Programme Director, Common Purpose UK 

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you again for the wonderful speech you gave at the WRAP Away Days Conference. I am currently conducting a survey to get feedback from attendees and have just taken a quick peak at the 100 replies that have come in so far. Nearly all of them have rated your presentation as excellent and truly inspirational.
Grace Woolery, WRAP, Government’s Waste Resource Action Programme

It was great – he was really good and the talks were fantastic.
Georgina, Ardingley College

Your presentation was passionate, engaging, thought provoking and really connected with the audience. Tackling climate change and the ability of individuals to make a difference are both vital messages and you really brought them to life. I hugely enjoyed and valued your contribution and I have had lots of great feedback from the delegates. Absolutely first rate.
Executive Director, National Grid

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