Anthony Sinclair

Anthony Sinclair is the founder and owner of Sign Source, an online tool that reinvents how to learn sign language, and brings deaf awareness in a user-friendly and convenient way.

With a personal journey filled with challenges and triumphs, Anthony brings a unique perspective to his presentations, inspiring audiences to embrace diversity and create a more inclusive society.

Anthony was named the winner of the 2022 Belfast Telegraph Digital/Social Media Award. He often holds an Olympic medal, winning gold in the mixed doubles tennis at the 2007 Deaflympics in Taipei.

Contact Great British Speakers today to book deaf keynote speaker Anthony Sinclair for your next event.

Type Of Speaker


We have been recognised in the Top 10 Most Accessible Theatres in the UK for people with Hearing Loss! In research conducted by ReSound, The Lyric has ranked 8th in their ‘Most Accessible Attractions’ Report for Theatres.

In addition to Captioned and Signed (ISL and BSL) performances on every Lyric Production, our staff continue to avail of BSL training delivered by Anthony Sinclair at Sign Source Learning. In addition to learning BSL during the training, these sessions explore Deaf Culture and actionable steps we can take as a theatre to welcome and support Deaf and hearing-impaired patrons. Thank you to Anthony!
Lyric Theatre

Thanks again for delivering last night’s session. It was really informative and hopefully everyone that attended managed to take something away with them and continue to upskill themselves in this area.
British Gymnastics

A recent report from the ‘Return On Disability Group’ reveals that disability groups have felt forgotten in Diversity and Inclusion strategies – with only 4% of companies who say they prioritise diversity considering disability within their initiatives. Sign Source’s solution-based training is equipping our team with the tools and knowledge to make our environment much more inclusive and accessible.

The course has also given us a critical insight into the challenges that can experienced by deaf people when it comes to legal processes and some of the solutions that we can very easily implement to combat these. We are striving to make this happen by building and maintaining relationships with forward-thinking business likes like A&L Goodbody, enabling us to explore bespoke solutions together that work for the firm’s employees, visitors and clients.
A&L Goodbody

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