Inspirational Entrepreneur Lara Morgan at the IOD talking exporting!

17th May 2018

Sales and exporting expert Lara Morgan filming for the BBC at the IOD.

There’s obviously lots of news around Brexit at the moment, some good some bad, but however, you look at it there are great opportunities for business to go out and grab a slice of the action.

Lara is something of an exporting expert having built her company from nothing to a multi-million operation exporting to over 100 countries, so she speaks from experience…and a great deal of success!

Listen to Lara’s visions of sale engines, training, passion, and strategy in plain common sense – basic stuff that so many get wrong and needs to be right to get the ball in the back of the net!

Lara is CEO/MD of consumer services businesses with global experience and a track record of delivering accelerated and exceptional growth. She is an inspirational leader with a legacy of building world-class teams and aligning organisations behind a clear strategy.

For more information on how Lara’s experience can transform your organisation contact Jane Farnham at Great British Speakers on 01753 439 289.

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